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There are over 59,000 Rotarians in Great Britain and Ireland in 1,816 clubs, helping those in need and working towards world understanding and peace.
Our foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s network of 428 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities, as well as across the UK.
Hospice at Home Volunteers is a registered charity that provides volunteer support to clients suffering from life limiting illnesses.
Also known as St. John's Hospice in Moggerhanger near Bedford.) "About 25% of our patients come from Huntingdon / Cambridge areas (including St. Neots)
The disability equality charity in England and Wales. We provide practical information and emotional support when it's most needed, and campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society.
A leading disability charity that focuses on disability employment, accessible housing and social care.